Personal Timesheet
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Personal Timesheet
In order to properly charge labour time to customers, employees are responsible to track their working hours on their personal timesheet.Here are a few notes regarding timesheet:
- For mshop staff, the timesheets are located on the M: drive folder \Admin\TimeReps\<Year>.
- For the e-lab staff, the timesheets are located on the L: drive folder \Admin\timelog\<Year>.
- Neither breaks nor lunchtime are charged to a job i.e. the maximum number of billable hours on a normal working day is 7h for CUPE116 and 6.5h for M&P.
- When the employee takes a full sick day or vacation day, the breaks must be included for a total of 7.5h for CUPE116 and 7h for M&P.
- The information in the timesheet header common to both mshop and elab are:
- Month/Year in the upper left.
- The type of service the employee provide, e.g. Mshop
- The name of the employee.
- Sick: Enter sick time
- Vac: Enter vacation time
- Other: Enter time for other type of leave. The types are: B=bereavement; D=doctor or dentist; J=jury; M=mourner; P=personal; S=seminar; U=union business. When “Other” time is taken, indicate the type in the Notes column.
- Bank and T off: Banked and time off hours (not overtime).
- Notes: Use this space to describe unusual activities during the day.
- OVT: Enter overtime hours. Must be approved by Technical Services Director.
- Meetings: Enter time spent in meetings not related to any WO.
- Prof Dev: Enter time spent improving your skills and knowledge.
- Job #: Enter time spent working on a specific WO. Replace the XXX by the correct WO#.
- The information in the timesheet header exclusive to the mshop timesheet are:
- Maint: Enter time spent on the maintenance of equipment and shop in general.
- SMS: Enter time spent teaching the Student Machine Shop Course or time supervising in the SMS.
- PHAS: Enter time spent working on general task related to the department.
- The information in the timesheet header exclusive to the e-lab timesheet are:
- Duty: The person on duty helps anyone who walks in the e-lab who might have questions, or need hardware, etc.
- E-lab: Enter time spent on equipment maintenance, clean-up, or any activities related to the lab.
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