M: Drive

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Mechanical Shop M: Drive

Here is a summary of the drive folder organizational structure:

  1. 3D Printer: All files related to the 3D printer, but not associated with any WO.
  2. Admin: Documents related to the service administration.
    • Accounting: P-Card report and associated invoices.
    • TimeReps: Staff timesheet and monthly consolidated files.
  3. Documents: A hodge podge of documents related to the mshop.
  4. Manufacturing: Contains all manufacturing files not associated with a specific WO.
    • CNC Programs: Contains all CNC Programs not associated with a WO.
    • Jigs and Fixtures: Information on jigs and fixtures.
  5. MasterCam Tools: MasterCam software Toolbox.
  6. Pictures: Self explanatory.
  7. Scan: Scan folder for the mshop printer.
  8. Shop Info: Repertory of information on equipment and machinery.
  9. SMS: Contains all information related to the Student Machine Shop.
  10. Software: Installation files of software commonly used by the mshop staff.
  11. Store: Contains all information related to the stores.
  12. Users: Staff's personal folder.
  13. Work Orders: File database of all WOs. When a new WO is created, a folder of the same name must be created.
    • WO_Completed: Folders of completed WOs.
    • MYY-XXX (<Project Name> - <Faculty Name>)
      • Accounting: Contains all files related to accounting: quote approximation, copy of JV, expenses' invoices, cost breakdown, etc.
      • CAD Files: Contains all CAD drawings either created by mshop or provided by customer.
      • CNC Programs: Contains all CNC programs created for that WO.
      • Images: Contains all pictures, screenshots, and other images.
      • PDF: Contains detailed drawings in .pdf format.
      • WJC: Contains .dxf and .ord files used for the waterjet or laser cutter.
      • WO References: A .doc file located in the WO main folder where all references to previous WO must be included.

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