Import Expenses
From shopwiki
Once your Statement of Account Report has been printed, all expenses must be imported into the shops database. From Centresuite, you can create a .txt file with the proper format that contains all your transactions.
To create the .txt file:
- Log in your Centersuite account and go to “Expenses” → “View Transactions”.
- In the drop-down menu of Date Range, select “Monthly Statement (Last)” and click “Run Search”.
- Select the radio button "Split Transactions and Split Detail"
- Click on "Export", then "Run Export". Go to “Reports” → “View Output Log” and wait until the "Transaction Export" file to be ready. Download and copy the file into the Invoices – <Last Name> folder located in the folder where your Statement of Account Report is located.
To import your expenses in the shops database:
- On the PHAS Intranet, click on "Forms", then "Shops Database", then select the service to which you want to import the expenses.
- Click on "Import_Expenses" followed by "Choose File". Select the proper .txt file and click on "Get_Transactions". All the transactions related to that service will appear.
- For each transaction, select the "exp_type" and indicate the invoice number in "ref_no".
- To complete, click on "Save_Expenses".
- If you have expenses related to another service, repeat the same procedure for each service.
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